Chaging log output destination path with log4net

log4net.Repository.ILoggerRepository[] repositories = log4net.LogManager.GetAllRepositories();
foreach (log4net.Repository.ILoggerRepository repository in repositories)
    foreach (log4net.Appender.IAppender appender in repository.GetAppenders())
        log4net.Appender.FileAppender fileAppender = appender as log4net.Appender.FileAppender;
        if (fileAppender != null)
            appender.File = "log.log"; // Set log output destination path

* Although I have set File, I have to set File in configuration XML file.

log4netで設定したログ出力先パス、ファイル名の取得: DOBON.NETプログラミング掲示板過去ログ
log4netでのログ出力について - Insider.NET - @IT)

Print a pointer as an array using GDB

You can print an array using `print` command (p) with GDB, but it is useful to print a pointer such as function parameter as an array using operator @.
Operator @ regards the left operand of @ as the address and prints the data of the left operand as an array for the number equivalent to the right operand.

(gdb) list
35	void func(int v[], int len)
36	{
(gdb) p v[0] @ len
$1 = {4470, 5197, 2482, 1016, 4154, 9986, 8313, 6873, 8517, 5857, 9019, 8002, 349, 9817, 365, 1018, 2269, 9759, 7092, 8674, 4902, 3890, 9746, 7668, 792, 3842, 4053, 6422, 630, 4880, 9996, 7164, 8392, 8469, 2959, 8380, 6533, 1795, 4296, 9964, 8259, 7474, 72, 2948, 3681, 501, 3994, 508, 9544, 941, 8054, 2186, 7418, 8684, 3224, 7322, 3822, 5022, 3085, 8341, 2296, 4073, 1034, 9839, 7067, 1197, 739, 7028, 2809, 6610, 8633, 483, 3017, 9634, 4758, 8101, 7604, 4018, 2174, 5014, 6600, 3754, 2854, 4798, 3921, 2124, 9889, 1147, 2409, 6105, 224, 6973, 5937, 2953, 8614, 9101, 3399, 8431, 2226, 3548}

Source: Arrays - Debugging with GDB