Error in yum update on CentOS 6.7 ` [Errno 14] PYCURL ERROR 22 - "The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found"`

CentOS release 6.7 (Final)

yum update fails on the error below. [Errno 14] PYCURL ERROR 22 - "The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found"
Trying other mirror.
Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: scl. Please verify its path and try again


$ sudo yum remove centos-release-SCL
$ sudo yum update # Update to CentOS 6.8
$ sudo yum install centos-release-scl
$ sudo yum update

Source: 0010925: Yum update fails on a 404 returned from - CentOS Bug Tracker

Paste text into Android emulator or device

$ adb shell input text 'text to paste'
  • For convenience, add the path to adb to PATH environment variable.
    You can find the path to adb in Android Studio [Project Sturcture] > [SDK Location]
  • If multiple devices are connected, specify the serial number of the device by -s option.
    The serial number of the device can be found like below.

    $ adb devices
  • Althogh I enclose the text to paste with single quotation marks ('), metacharacters or $0, $1... are extracted by the shell. You should escape them with backslash (\).


$ adb -s emulator-5554 shell input text 'text to paste'

passenger-config and passenger-status result in an error on CentOS7

passenger-config and passenger-status result in an error on CentOS7.

  • CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 (Core)
  • Apache/2.4.6 (CentOS)
  • Phusion Passenger 5.0.23 (Installed by `passenger-install-apache2-module`)
$ passenger-config restart-app
*** ERROR: Phusion Passenger doesn't seem to be running. If you are sure that it
is running, then the causes of this problem could be one of:

 1. You customized the instance registry directory using Apache's
    PassengerInstanceRegistryDir option, Nginx's
    passenger_instance_registry_dir option, or Phusion Passenger Standalone's
    --instance-registry-dir command line argument. If so, please set the
    environment variable PASSENGER_INSTANCE_REGISTRY_DIR to that directory
    and run this command again.
 2. The instance directory has been removed by an operating system background
    service. Please set a different instance registry directory using Apache's
    PassengerInstanceRegistryDir option, Nginx's passenger_instance_registry_dir
    option, or Phusion Passenger Standalone's --instance-registry-dir command
    line argument.


Passenger could not find instance registry directory (PassengerInstanceRegistryDir on Apache, passenger_instance_registry_dir on Nginx).

If instance registry directory is not explicitly specified, default value /tmp is used.
So instance registry dir is made in /tmp. But because Systemd PrivateTmp option is enabled on httpd (default), instance registry dir is created in httpd's private /tmp directory (/tmp/systemd-private-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX-httpd.service-XXXXXX/tmp). This directory can't be found by other processes such as passenger-config or passenger-status.

This problem owes to Systemd's PrivateTmp, so it may also occurs on RHEL7 or Amazon Linux 2.

Workaround 1: Explicitly specify PassengerInstanceRegistryDir

This workaround remains Systemd's PrivateTmp enabled.
Explicitly specify Passenger's instance registry directory so that instance registry dir is not made in httpd's private /tmp directory.

First, I made PassengerInstanceRegistryDir to be created in /var/run, but since systemd-239 or later displays the following warning, I have modified it to be created in /run.
[/etc/tmpfiles.d/passenger.conf:1] Line references path below legacy directory /var/run/, updating /var/run/passenger-instreg → /run/passenger-instreg; please update the tmpfiles.d/ drop-in file accordingly.

Systemd logs warnings about the legacy tmpfile location /var/run - Red Hat Customer Portal

(on Apache)

PassengerInstanceRegistryDir /run/passenger-instreg

Because files and directories in /run is deleted on reboot, you must add config file in tmpfiles.d.
See man 5 tmpfiles.d for details.


D /run/passenger-instreg 0755 root root

You must add PASSENGER_INSTANCE_REGISTRY_DIR for the users who executes passenger-status and passenger-config.


export PASSENGER_INSTANCE_REGISTRY_DIR=/run/passenger-instreg

If you use capistrano-passenger, you must set PASSENGER_INSTANCE_REGISTRY_DIR in the stage's deploy recipe because capistrano-passenger executes `passenger-config restart-app`.

set :default_env, {
  "PASSENGER_INSTANCE_REGISTRY_DIR" => "/run/passenger-instreg"

Finally restart system.

Workaround 2: Disable PrivateTmp on httpd.service

This workaround disables Systemd's PrivateTmp on httpd.service.

$ sudo systemctl edit httpd.service

Then execute below.

$ sudo systemctl restart httpd.service

Manually copying files under /usr/lib/systemd/system/ is not recommended, so I fixed to use `systemctl edit`. Using `systemctl edit`, systemd configuration is automatically reloaded (in a way that is equivalent to daemon-reload).

Copy /usr/lib/systemd/system/httpd.service to /etc/systemd/system and edit it.



Then execute below.

$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
$ sudo systemctl restart httpd.service

Source: CentOS 7 で Phusion Passenger の passenger-status を実行するとエラーとなる - Qiita
お前らもさっさとハマって泣くべきCentOS7の落とし穴4つ - Qiita
Handle systemd PrivateTmp #1475
Systemd入門(5) - PrivateTmpの実装を見る - めもめも